Part 12: Complications and detours.
Update 10: Complications and detours.

Welcome back, everyone! Its time to scale this bluff in search of Rockets parents, and perhaps a casino if were lucky.

Callmigh Bluff is absolutely littered with these crystal walls, so the route were going to take today is gonna be rather restricted.

Theres a number of nice items lying about for us to take possession of, though.

As you may have already gathered, this is a fairly vertical area. Fortunately, somebody has already set up a pathway to the top, so Rocket wont have to climb the cliff with his face.

There arent too many slimes we can save here without breaking barriers, but at least theyre all clearly visible from the main path.

Sinister, you say? Well, the Goonins did give us a warning about something like that

And sure enough, Callmigh Bluff has evil spirits in spades. Walking Corpses have only 3 HP, but they respawn as soon as Rocket kills one and only drop a single Gold. Theyre also the only enemy with a zero percent chance to drop lucky bags, so theres no reason at all to try killing these things. Capture or avoid.

Gregg hands over an iron arrow for our collection.

Seriously, this place is full of the living-impaired. Any time youre inside the cliff, youll run into plenty of these things.

Anyone who wants to wade in and start slashing fools is welcome, sir.

For the curious, the Walking Corpse slashes at Rocket in a very Jailcat-esque manner. Theyre basically a less threatening, less cute version of the same enemy.

Whatever its used for, this path must be an official Slimenian construction if the railways running through here. I wonder what the point of it is I mean, clearly the otherworldly connections somewhat public knowledge.

Hmm, Im going to need more Pompoms to make the Croozes with But while I remember, I should probably point out that there is no recipe for the third tier of missiles. This is the best we can do with those through alchemy.

The level two platform has another barrier blocking a sidepath (and a girder to be collected), so well have to continue this way.

A wooden bridge over a rectangular stream of rushing water? Maybe this was a tourist trap. Hike to the top, admire the scenic vistas and such.

Mind the mimic as you exit.

Yeah, this looks like a good place for some photo opportunities.

They certainly do get top marks for persistence, as undead are wont to do.

Okay, now I want to see slimes sumo wrestling. The idea sounds pretty ridiculous to me (not that regular sumo wrestling isnt ridiculous in the first place).

Alright, we cant have far to go now.

Hey, wait a minute. If this is a dead end, then


Alright, Im not sure if thats better or worse than Spine Les calling Rocket spineless. Also, Big Daddy sets a new record among slimenapping victims for being the only one to break out of the chest on his own.

...Whoops. Guess the old slime overdid it a bit.


So, no pressure or anything

Well, theres only one way to find out. But first, lets check the letters from Rockets parents.

Despite being a little bit slower than the normal boomerang, this fearsome projectile can take down up to three items (or one iron shield). Its handy to have one or two of these laying around.

The shop is actually slime-free at present, but I suppose we can go say hello to the other three rescued Boingburgians.

Well, were going to be doing some training too. Im sure that the Goonins could do something with your sumo skills, Duke Swellington.

What is he a collector of, aside from alchemy recipes?

Anyway, we should probably go see the Goonins after this last pun.

Alright, lets see what sort of trials the Goonins have in store for us.

Oh, hi there Ducktor Cid!

So the trial of the mind involves breaking a bunch of stuff around the dojo, including a few tanuki statues and lanterns.

Ducktor Cid chimes in every now and then, when he isnt busy blowing bubbles.

The trick here is that even things which dont appear to be made of wood are in fact firewood placed under an illusion.

Yes, even the Are those supposed to be guardian lions? I thought those were more of a Chinese thing.

That doesnt look too good for your health, Cid. Now for the last piece of firewood

Alright, on to the next one!

So, uh Not a lot to say about this one. The real Gooshido is always the last one, and each of the slimes standing around wont run until you get close enough. Charge an Elasto Blast from outside that range, and you should get them no problem.

Like so.

Just one more to go! Now, Tokyo Toms trial of the body


Gee, I wonder where he might be.

Huh. Guess hes trickier than I thought!

...Well, a wins a win!

...Riiiiight after I do some alchemy. This is the point where Slimechanic starts asking for stuff that actually stings to lose, and which you might not even have at the time. Aside from this, he also wants:
-50G, 4 Iron Balls
-60G, 3 Thousandweights

I was actually expecting this to happen last update, but this is about the point where things start getting a little bit less familiar for me.

Sooo Bos second tactic just has her follow Rocket around wherever he goes, and she cant attack. So while she wants to be helpful, our heros little sister isnt really a crew member Id recommend. Sorry, Bo!

Goosashis regular commands are just fire like crazy and follow the leader with different names, but as he says, he has a third ability you can make use of if you bother to throw him into the cannons yourself. Oh, and all the Goonins have 4 HP.

Gooshido is another ammo thief, but since we have the Goodybag available now Yeah, hes not the best choice for a crew member either.

Tokyo Toms first command is just a fancier name for bring ammo, though the second is slightly more interesting. Im not sure if hes stationary like a Mimic or not while pretending to be ammo, so his worth as an infiltrator is questionable.

Alright, this should cover Slimechanics needs. The edged boomerang is just because I wanted one for the Schleiman.

Two 50s and a 60 HP boost later, the Schleiman has reached a total of 570. Not bad when you consider that it started with 100!

Alright, lets round things out by finishing off Mt. Krakatroda. Those upgrades used up a bunch of my items, so itll also be a good chance to restock.

Haha, no more crystal barriers are gonna get in our way!

Oh-hoh! Looks like Rockys advice is finally gonna come in handy!
Alright, lets see How to do this

Oh Goddess, not like this!

Ack, this is the wrong direction!

Jane, stop this crazy thing!

...I totally meant to do that. Yeah.

Im not sure how the lucky bags in these piggy banks work, so Im definitely sending this one back to town in the hopes of lucking into something good.

Hey, good to know that Ive got permission to do that thing I actually did anyway!

Oh, that reminds me Did anyone notice the link hidden in the last clap trap picture?

Alright, I think Im getting the hang of this!

And at the top of that ramp, we find another health booster! Theres really no way you should get killed in this game unless youre like, eight years old or something.

Since we had only encountered three tank battles on Mt. Krakatroda and there tends to be four per area (though not always), the odds that the last slime would be inside an enemy tank were pretty good.

Oh, Im sure it will be. No worries there.

Heh, thats a pretty good name for a Hacksaurus-themed tank. Alright, time for one last showing before the crew gets shuffled!

Our usual tactics should suffice, though this enemy does have one small trick up their sleeve.

You see, that axe will slowly rise up before coming swinging swiftly downward, destroying any ammo in its path. Thats any ammo, even stuff that came from the T-Rax! I think it destroys five of my shots and four of theirs over the course of this battle.

Theres a whole lot of Irritaballs in this tank; these upgraded iron balls deal a hefty 55 damage each, if you can land a hit with them.

And then theres this beauty, the Destructiball. This beastly item deals 110 damage, the second largest amount in the whole game. Its still slow as hell though, so throw out a lot of stuff in front of it for protection.

Sadly, the T-Raxs axe manages to take this one out before I could nail them with it. The battles long since been decided, of course.

I might have possibly been able to grab a S(ub)lime rating here, but it turns out the T-Rax has that forked engine room except this time the southern paths the correct one.


Booze plus apples equals peppers, got it.

Load this hot veggie into a cannon and itll set the Schleimans mouth on fire!
Much like the T-Raxs axe, the chilli pepper will destroy any ammo in front of the Schleiman, regardless of who fired it. Its a defensive tool, but theres good odds your crew members will keep throwing ammo out to be destroyed unless you set all of them to other tactics.

Theres another room up on the opposite side from the T-Rax fight, but it only has some gold and a path to the other crystal barrier. You know, the one just before the first Living Statue.
However, you may remember that theres a second piggy bank over where Rocky was being held captive. And that its half the zone away from any ramps.
Which is why this video exists.

A real survivors sword. You want to be careful with this one!

A miraculous aid that can reflect the enemys fire right back at them. But be warned, itll only work once!

How do you kill a monster thats already dead? It just keeps coming back. And boy, does it stink!
The Walking Corpse will instantly be revived if defeated during a tank battle, but hes probably not going to be getting in many brawls. Add in the fact that hes pretty slow, and this is another crew member you really shouldnt be using.
We now have twenty-four options for our tank crew, and all four tank battles in Callmigh Bluff to do. Go ahead and vote on a new crew.